Thought provoking, Colby, and I wish you all the very best with your publication. I've just checked all the people I follow. Fewer than 10% have an avatar. It's a tricky one because I imagine some people use pseudonyms and avatars to protect themselves from people they know in real life who might troll or abuse them. Or sue them. But I totally get where you are coming from. I definitely feel I have a better connection with people who have been brave enough to include a real-life photo of themselves. And I am way more likely to read and comment on their work over pieces written by someone using an avatar. Just one word of caution though - there are a fair number of AI Bots on here who are using photos that they have probably stolen from the internet and they use real-sounding names. So (i know you will) stay vigilant and watch out for any content that includes AI favourite phrases. Run a mile if you see "in the tapestry of life" 😁