This is a great question, Mitch, and I am going to do my best to respond, but do bear in mind that I am not an expert so take only what is useful and discard the rest. Reading is more yin than exercise (there is no such thing as total yin or total yang) and depending on WHAT you read it can balance out the exercise. Formal meditation is not for everyone, but painting, colouring, knitting, washing-up can all be a form of yin meditation. The key point I was trying to make here was that if the exercise you do tightens your body, then you need to balance it with stretching and softening (yoga maybe or a massage, or rolfing). Watching gentle things on TV is more yin than watching a thriller or something violent. Quietly reading a book may be enough yin for you. Books are more yin than a computer screen. Eating slow cooked food in Winter is a great way of upping the yin. Listening to quiet, relaxing music is more yin than listening to heavy metal. The best thing you can do is to get more sleep - go to bed earlier if you can. Just watch out for the warning signs of heat and insomnia. If that becomes an issue, then (remember i am biased) classical or 5 element acupuncture can work wonders. I hope that has helped. In gratitude for your read and thoughtful engagement, A💚💚💚