This, for me, is the best piece you have written since I started following you, TAM.
So much of what you have written resonates with me, and I feel sure it will resonate with others.
I'm going to try and say something and it might come out wrong: I am naturally optimistic, but sometimes it can act as a band-aid. Sometimes it is denial. And true change will not come from denial but from an awareness that things aren't great, then the acceptance, then the action.It feels as if you have reached that stage of true change, ready to put the the focus firmly on yourself. The true cell-f. And it is in digging deep (as you have done here) and sharing the truth that life (and writing) is hard that allows for a heart connection with readers. If this weren't about Medium, it would, for me, be boost-worthy.
I wish you so well on your ongoing journey. 💚💞