The Ultimate Way to Tame Your Ego

Hear me out

Annie Trevaskis
3 min readAug 10, 2022
Girl wearing a cowboy hat, in a rodeo ring, brandishing a whip
Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash

Don’t you just hate it when people let their egos gain the upper hand? It is a tricky thing to keep the ego in check, but I have happened upon the perfect method.

If I ever think I am getting too big for my boots, I play golf. I use the term “play” loosely. WAIT, don’t click away too quickly — hear me out.

There is nothing quite like golf for a good lesson in humility. From air shots (I’ve made a few, too few to mention) to five putts, there are no limits to the ways in which golf can make you realise that you are a woefully inadequate excuse for a human being.

Take the time I confidently stepped out onto the first tee at an unnamed golf course (the reason it remains confidential is that I cannot afford another lawsuit).

The perfect fairway was in front of me. The golf ball had other ideas of what “perfect” looked like. It decided my ego needed a reality check and made a low-flying journey straight into the concrete lip of the child’s tee just a few yards in front and to the left. From there, it ricocheted back above my head, waving insults at me, missed the clubhouse window (phew) and then decided the road and houses behind the clubhouse were worth a fly-by.



Annie Trevaskis

I came, I wrote, I conquered. That last bit might not be true, but at least I am putting up a good fight.