It does make things harder. Like when you get up to 17 x 9 you get sixteenzy-three, which is 163, but then you have to remember to subtract ten to get 153.
My brain knows that 163 must be wrong because 1+6+3 = 10, and the answer has to add up to 9. Because all the 9 times answers have to add up to 9.
I liked the number 9 a bit better after I found that out, but I soon went back to thinking it was sneaky.
Because when you run out of toes, and Roger won’t let you borrow his, you have to get a calculator, and THEN you find out the answers add up to 18, not 9.
[Is a calculator AI? Do I have to declare I have used AI for this next bit?]
21 x 9 = 189 and 1+8+9 = 18. Although if you add 1+8, that still makes 9, so it sort of still works. In an underhand kind of way.
But if you go really high, the answers come back down to 9 again. So 256 x 9 = 2304. And 2+3+0+4 = 9.
So the number nine freaks me out because it is slyfarious but also quite likes rules. I think it would be happier as a letter myself.
The main problem with the number 9 is that people look at you funny when you have to take your socks and shoes off to do Maths. And that is why I shall never be able to go on Countdown, even though I would be a genius at the anagram sections.