Thanks Nat. Teeth stable at the moment. 😂. I have stopped looking for a new place until we have an offer on this flat- the chances of being able to sell are slim because I am SO very honest and shall have to be upfront with any potential buyers about the issues in the block with the difficult residents. Am trusting that there is something in all this that I am meant to learn: that i overestimated my ability to bring harmony?maybe to stand up to bullies, maybe something different. But trusting it will all pan out the way it is meant to. And in the meantime, I am trying to do at least one thing every day that brings joy, even if it is just getting out for a coffee. Sorry not to be writing - am helping someone with their PhD: just typing/transcribing - but it is time-consuming. I know all that advice about publishing regularly etc, but it doesn't work for me. I just have to be in the right mood and not force anything. I am seeing a solicitor this week which I hope will settle me a bit - am going to get advice to make sure I'm not doing anything they can sue ME for, and to see if there is anything that can be done to curb their bad behaviour. I always feel better if I have more information so i hope to feel better by the end of the week.
Whatever happens, there should come a day in the future where I have SUCH gratitude for living somewhere without conflict.
It means a lot to me that you are there, noticing that I am not writing, Nat. Big hug to you and lots of love, A🙏💚