Thanks Carolan,
I made LOADS of newbie mistakes. Especially just leaving one clap! You are doing everything right by reading and commenting on other people's work. At least in terms of getting eyes on your work. Although I have kind of updated my "advice" since i wrote this one (in fact I may have to take this one down - it seems a bit harsh now). I've done a review of my first year of earnings and it is a bit kinder and more optimistic in many ways.
Now, please don't take offence . . . I am autistic and can be too honest sometimes, but I need to share that I can't read your work (i'm so sorry). I can't read white text on a dark background and I am not alone. Of course there are some who find it easier (blind people) but there are far more like me. Would you consider making your background colour a bit lighter? Benighted finds white text on dark easier and between us we played with different options that worked for both of us. If you check their page - that may work for you. Or just making the blue light enough that the text becomes black?? If you do (and please don't feel obliged) can you private message me or tag me so that i can come back and read your stuff? In kindness,A🙏💚