On a slightly different but related tangent, I do a gratitude diary, and I remember thinking when I began that I would have trouble thinking of 5 things to be grateful for every day. But a strange thing happened. I found that if I was grateful for just one item: eg my favourite sweater, it led to a longer and longer list: gratitude for the person who cared for the sheep, for the shearer, for the person who transported the raw wool, for the people who worked it and dyed it and transformed it, for all the people involved in bringing it to market, for the person who developed the payment system I used to buy it, for the person who made the packaging, for the person who delivered it. I missed out LOTS here obviously. But it brought home to me that those people who believe they are self-sufficient are deluding themselves. We ALL rely on a million other people for almost everything. In gratitude for this lovely piece, A🙏💚