Oh Michelle. I'm struggling to find the right words. You have built up such a following here on Medium and I hope that they will all join me when I say that we will be here, every step of the way, rooting for you in 2023. You are not alone. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to have a marriage therapist break up with you. Can you get a therapist just for you instead? Someone to support YOU. Just a thought, and I trust that you will do what is right for you.
I don't do tarot readings.
I have found it helpful to write a letter to myself on New Year's Eve detailing the changes I would like to see happen over the coming year. I write all my hopes and wishes and dreams down and then seal it an envelope and mark it "To be opened on (eg) 1.1.23". And then I forget about it.
Take only what is useful and discard the rest. Be very kind to yourself. A🙏💚