Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

My Favourite Stories by Other Writers on Medium

6 stories

Young woman with pink hair making a silly face and a cartoon koala sleep mask on her head — throwing a peace sign
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis


35 stories

White clipboard with the words MOVIE NIGHT surrounded by popcorn, sunglasses and a drink cup. All on a bright yellow background
Happy young woman looking through a large magnifying glass with an excited face as if she has just discovered something. She is standing up, wearing pink dungarees and a white T-shirt against a blue background.
Worried, unsure, unconfident, hopeful cute young woman nervously begging god with crossed fingers. She has long blonde hair and is wearing a sparkly silver dress. Orangey background.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis


16 stories

portrait of a disappointed and shocked woman. One eyebrow is raised and she is smirking as if she has seen something unpleasant. She has long brown hair and is wearing a red jumper under a yellow coat, against a yellow background
Screenshot of my December 2023 story stats. It shows 1.5K views and 977 reads, with a green and blue graph below
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Three Wise Articles

3 stories

Close-up of a horse’s eye
Black and white photograph of the author’s four sons sitting next to each other on a branch. Ages are approximately 3,4,6 and 8
Photograph of a young girl holding a butterfly in her outstretched hand. The child’s mother is cupping her hand below the child’s.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis


6 stories

Headshot of a woman with her hands covering her face. She is spray-painted white on one side and red on the other. There are also leaves clinging to her. They too are spray painted.
A photo of a picture frame with a black bow on a dark background. There is a red rose to the side.
Close-up of a horse’s eye
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

My Five Favourite Humour Articles

5 stories

A photo of a picture frame with a black bow on a dark background. There is a red rose to the side.
Grumpy woman showing her disgust while frowning, showing her dissatisfacation with her tongue showing
Photograph of an aubergine
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Four stories harnessing AI for humour

4 stories

A photo of a cute robot taken from above with the robot looking up at us
Young man wearing a yellow jumper. He has a pained expression, and both of his hands are clutching his hair in despair. He is standing before a plain purple background.
Picture of a dog dressed as a businessman, staring at a laptop screen. Spectacles and a notepad are by the side of the laptop. Bright yellow background.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Three Stories With Links to Music I Love

3 stories

Photo of rows of red cinema seats
It is sunset and a girl is sitting on a wooden jetty, with water in the background. She is leaning her head on her arms, which are wrapped around her bent knees. She looks sad and lonely.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Five Short Funny Reads

5 stories

Author and husband on their wedding day, looking as if they communicate very effectively with each other
Scrabble tiles spelling out “SPEAK TRUTH”
A black background with a green, red and yellow pepper that have been dropped into water creating a splash
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Three Parenting Articles

2 stories

Five adults at home, hanging out
Black and white photo of prison cells
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Two Stories About Autism

2 stories

A neon rainbow against a black background
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Three Photo Stories

3 stories

Head shot of a Bedlington Whippet looking disgruntled.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis


7 stories

A man wearing a blue, white and red Christmas jumper. He has one fist against his cheek and looks grumpy.
Bright red cranberries, in the process of being made into cranberry sauce.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis


3 stories

It is sunset and a girl is sitting on a wooden jetty, with water in the background. She is leaning her head on her arms, which are wrapped around her bent knees. She looks sad and lonely.
A young couple sitting on a beach with the sea in the background. He is wearing white and holding a cushion that reads Mr right. She is wearing a bright orange dress and holding a cushion that reads Mrs always right.
A picture of a red heart, with the word Exit above, and a stick figure is hanging off the bottom of the heart as if hanging on for dear life.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Three Articles on Mental Health and Addiction

3 stories

Headshot of a woman with her hands covering her face. She is spray-painted white on one side and red on the other. There are also leaves clinging to her. They too are spray painted.
Montana scenery: mountains, clouds, forest
Photo of a person holding a credit card in one hand, while clicking on their laptop with the other one. There is also a wallet visible and a mobile phone.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Three Articles on Creativity

3 stories

Some white paper cupcake cases filled with wax, wood shavings, white sage and a wick
Photo of a humming bird hawk moth
Photo of the Helford River taken from a house on Bar Road, Cornwall. There is verdant greenery all around and a few sailing boats visible on the blue water.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

My Three Favourite Poems

3 stories

Two people hugging tightly
Lots of tea light candles, lit against a dark background
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis


6 stories

A photo of a tiny model of a house with a set of keys by its side
A neon rainbow against a black background
Photo of a woman facing the camera. A man is standing behind her and has his hands covering her eyes.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Other people's work that is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS😂

10 stories

Large bat hanging upside down from a leafy branch in a tree.
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis


6 stories

Photo of a humming bird hawk moth
Photo of a fridge with magnetic poetry attached. The poem reads: Hunger not my beautiful fruity always, fill your soul with plum passion pie, devour comfort pickle, make happiness stew, nibble every butter rich slice. Let I be the honey pot to your raw spice and sausage, a delicious dessert only for you, crave then indulge, in our tender fondue, enjoy each romantic soup of thee and me.
Some white paper cupcake cases filled with wax, wood shavings, white sage and a wick
Annie Trevaskis

Annie Trevaskis

Friend of Medium

I came, I wrote, I conquered. That last bit might not be true, but at least I am putting up a good fight.