I used to have 3 girlfriends. We would meet for coffee every week, and I honestly thought we would still be doing that when we were old with blankets over our knees. Then I got divorced and they all stayed married. I was no longer invited to dinner parties or anything that involved couples. It hurt. Then, a new friend I met at yoga invited me to a dinner party with her husband and other couples. Her kindness and generosity overwhelmed me at a time when I was feeling rather lonely and left out. We are still close to this day even though we live miles apart now.
It took me a while, lots of crying, and some therapy to eventually realise that we all go through different stages in our lives, and sometimes we change and grow at a different rate to our friends. Maybe you deserve different friends now. If you choose to gently let your old ones go, then I promise new ones will come. Your life will expand. All will be well.