I Should Never Have Consulted My Slyfarious Husband

In fact, I may have to consult a divorce lawyer now.

Annie Trevaskis
3 min readMay 23, 2024


A grumpy-looking young boy in a red and white T-shirt against a yellow background. He has his arms folded across his upper body and looks quite cross.
Image by drobotdean on Freepik

I watched a very tense TV drama yesterday, and there was a bit where a young woman having a mental health crisis was taken into nature by a healer and asked to point to things that caught her eye.

The woman in distress pointed to the roots of a dead and rotten tree. The healer told her that it represented the fact that she was dead inside.

Which seemed a bit harsh to me. And not very healy.

But I was willing to experiment with the idea.

However, I know me. And I knew that I’d cheat and make sure I only pointed to happy-looking things.

So, instead, I checked out the last five photos I took while I was out for a walk. I often photograph things that catch my eye.

Underneath each photo, I’ve written how I interpret what each one reflects about me.

And underneath that, I’ve written Roger’s alternative interpretation. I’m checking out divorce lawyers later this afternoon.



Annie Trevaskis

I came, I wrote, I conquered. That last bit might not be true, but at least I am putting up a good fight.