The A-Z of Failures

How to Be a Failure (Part M)

Making the mistakes so you don’t have to

Annie Trevaskis
3 min readNov 12, 2022


Photo of a window with two panes visible. There is a ;ettering on each pane, the left side reads: If you never know failure. The right-hand side reads: you will never know success. The quote is attributed to Sugar Ray Leonard.
Nice quote on the surface. Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

It is such a clever quote. But if you read it carefully, it does not rule out repeated failures without any sign of success. Enter me.

Just look at how many M failures I thought of in the last 5 minutes. I am sure there are more:



Annie Trevaskis

I came, I wrote, I conquered. That last bit might not be true, but at least I am putting up a good fight.