How can I thank you? This comment alone has made the publishing of the story worth all the angst. I have just read the story of your husband's heart attack and your Full Heart Tree. I shall return to read again and comment when time allows.
But for now, I want to share that I am autistic and I have one other son who is as well. I shall call Ed later and ask him to share this with the medical team and tell them there is a good chance he has undiagnosed ADHD. I think much of his problem with alcohol is because he uses it to self-medicate for sleep/social anxiety. Thank you for your insight. It is true that it can be easier for other people to see what is going on (perspective) than it is for those caught up close. I'm struggling at the moment with "what next" if this doesn't work, and knowing that I shall have to let him go. My mother was an alcoholic and died when she was only 47. I went to Al-anon back then but didn't stick with it. I have just found a local group and will attend on Friday. Thanks to you. I hope it will help me as I navigate the next steps. I have one month to prepare . . .
Thank you so much for the time, energy and thought-full-ness you have put into this beautiful message. I hear you. I honour your wisdom and the journey that brought you to this place of deep understanding. A🙏💚