Hi Rebecca
I adore you
I cannot imagine a world without "Hallelujah" even though it took the movie Shrek to bring it into my consciousness.
I only put Humor and Humour in the tags so that anyone searching Medium for funny stuff will find me whether they are American (Humor) or British (Humour).
But I'm glad you shared your disturbedness around British/English
I think it is very important when one is confused or disturbed to spread the joy. And I am well confused now.
My understanding is that English refers to England as opposed to Britain (or Great Britain) which includes Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It doesn't surprise me that Googling things leads to confusion. I am easily confused and there are so many things "wrong" when I read Google results that I have stopped believing almost everything. Which fits in nicely with my belief that letting go of everything, including beliefs, is the way to go. There. That's my take on English/British. I should have let it all go before now. And I could go and delete the last 3 paragraphs but I hate wasting things.
Thanks for being you and being honest