Hi Melissa. I'm autistic. And brutally honest, I'm afraid. I was really moved by this thoughtful piece and with you every step of the way until I got to this line. And I flinched a little. This happens to me when people describe babies as "good" or "bad" because they cannot be either - they simply are. And I know your daughter was 2 when this event happened, but I suspect she had no more control over her behaviour than a newborn. I imagine she was totally overwhelmed : by the change and the travel and the sensory overload. In my world, her behaviour was not "bad". It was totally understandable and outside her control.
Your line about her needing to live with you for the rest of your life was so emotionally charged. I cannot imagine . . . My heart goes out to you, to her, to the whole family. In kindness, A🙏💚