Dear Dana, I have come to this article late but at just the right time for me. I have been away for 5 days with limited computer access and zero time for Medium. I got back yesterday to 130 emails from Medium (people I subscribe to) and more responses than i could handle. I am obsessive about inbox zero too!
I'm struggling.
I applaud the brave step you have taken to unsubscribe, to follow YOUR path, your heart. I am so touched to see my name mentioned here. Know that yours would appear in my list too of those that i feel connected to at a soul level.
Thank you for being so honest, for writing and sharing how you are feeling and what you are doing.
Work on your Big Thing. As Natalie says (she is always so much more eloquent than i am) life is too too precious to delay doing what must be done, what is in your heart.
I am cheering you on too.
In gratitude for the connection.
Sending love
Annie x