Dear Colonel Funkletrumpet,
I am writing to you to express my profound contrition for the egregious blunder that I committed. You were correct. I did indeed inadvertently misplace one of the Scrabble letters, thereby causing a significant inconvenience and disruption to the photo. I would like to offer you my unreserved apology for this lamentable occurrence.
I feel exceedingly foolish for losing the letter, as I should have been more meticulous and vigilant. I do not know how or when the letter went astray, but I surmise it might have fallen off the board or the rack when I was relocating or interchanging the tiles. I hope you can absolve me for this error and accept my sincere apology. I pledge to be more prudent in the future and to ascertain that all the letters are accounted for before and after each game.
Yours sincerely,
Annie x
PS: You crack me up😂💚🙏
And I am SO going to use, "Yours with very great affection" as often as I can now.